According To Bayview Dental, These Are The Best Teeth Whitening Products

A picture-perfect white smile needs a lot of maintenance. Everything you eat, drink and even some of your lifestyle choices can impact how your teeth look.

Luckily, if you are dealing with staining and discoloration, many options are available to get a brighter smile. Keep reading Bayview Dental’s short guide below to discover the best teeth-whitening products on the market!

1. Tooth Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste contains a small amount of bleaching agent (usually peroxide), which allows it to remove surface stains from teeth caused by coffee, teas, and other such foods and drinks.

The amount of bleaching agents is relatively small, which is why many of these products are recommended for daily use. While they might not deliver dramatic results, they can be effective in maintaining a white smile and refreshing your smile’s appearance.

Just be sure to check the toothpaste’s ingredients to ensure it uses proven tooth-whitening ingredients like peroxide. 

2. At-Home Whitening Kits

When most people think of professional whitening treatment, they picture going to the dentist’s office for multiple sessions.

But did you know the dentist can actually offer you an at-home kit?

Professional whitening kits are different from the whitening strips you can find online or at a drugstore. For one thing, the entire treatment is established based on an assessment of your smile and getting a set of custom trays to wear.

Moreover, the whitening gel or agent used in at-home kits is much stronger than what over-the-counter products can offer. This is because your treatment, though at home, will still be supervised by a trained professional to ensure you get the results you want.

3. In-office Treatments

And finally, patients can also get a pearly-white smile right in the dentist’s chair. The entire process is done under the direct supervision of your dentist.

However, this option is a commitment. Even if the whitening products are more potent, you’ll still likely need multiple sessions to get your desired results.

Be Mindful of OTC Whitening Products

The market is booming with a lot of teeth-whitening products that promise almost “miraculous” results.

However, it’s very important to do your research and make sure you’re using a product that’s safe and made by a reputable company. 

Moreover, if you do opt for these products, make sure you use them as recommended on the label, especially when it comes to how long you should keep the strips on. Over-exposure can lead to heightened sensitivity at times!

Unlock Professional and Convenient Tooth-whitening at Bayview Dental

Dr. Eric Youngner is here to help you access the most convenient and effective path to whiter teeth with excellent at-home teeth whitening kits that can provide a safe and controlled whitening experience.

To get started, book a tooth-whitening consultation at Bayview Dental online today!

Want to learn more? Then call us at (651) 257-1140!

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